
Categories: WordPress

This is the rebuild of the old official hospital website.

This site is in light colors with large elements on which there are information pages, news, a blog, feedback forms and so on. An invaluable experience of converting ready-made design into WordPress theme is obtained.

What was in the source:

  • ready design – PSD, HTML

The design was purchased at the Envato Market. The design has already been converted into static HTML pages. I had to make a WP theme from a static site and fill it with content.

What was done:

  • converting HTML to WORDPRESS
  • filling the website with content
  • Transfer of old content to a new website
  • redirected to save positions in search engines

Summarizing, I can say the following. Of course, working with finished HTML files is much more convenient than doing everything from PSD sources. But there are, of course, minuses. First, there is a huge amount of unnecessary plugins / features / code. Authors of the HTML version can be understood – they are aimed at reaching the largest possible audience. In this “stuff” in their work all that you can. The end consumer will need only about 30% of what they have collected. Clear the same result from unnecessary plug-ins and code – this is a very costly task. So we put up with some slowness of the site because of this.